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Multi Cam Filming of Y7 Concerts

Having met two Y7 bands from Hurstmere School's Studio-Fix programme in our green screen studio earlier this year, we were only too happy to film their Y7 Concert this October. Their first concert since December 2019 and wow! It was great!

Studio-Fix and Hurstmere brought together the whole of Y7 in a massed choir event, which some [now] Y8 bands and the Harmony Army added to. Young songwriters, who have worked remotely over the last year, have enjoyed getting lots of views on Soundcloud - but a concert meant they could bring their words to life LIVE for the first time! It was lovely to be asked to film and an easy yes for us to say.

After being joined by two of our very own [Y7 Hurstmere] Crew on the recce, the plan was in place. Having been asked to produce a film that could be downloaded to support fundraising, we decided to set up a five camera shoot; which included a crane and two roving cameras to film a mix of shots.

Over two nights the e2e Crew captured the wonderful Y7 concerts! It was yet another amazing collaboration between e2e TV, Studio-Fix and Hurstmere School. With thanks to Andrew Gilbert - can't wait until the next time!

There's still time for parents to buy a download - please contact Hurstmere School for more info.

e2e Crew on Day 2

Well done to both teams!


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